The Promise - The Lure Of The Quick Fix

The lure of the quick fix_Stopheadachesnaturally

Our pre-occupation as a society with the short term quick fix is one of the factors responsible for over-reliance on pain-killers.

When time is money and a “can do” attitude is paramount, we may feel we can’t afford to be ill or to be functioning below our best.

Instead of taking time out to look after our health, when something goes wrong we look to medication to fix the problem.

"We look to medication to fix the problem"

The following quote typifies the “pop a pill and forget it” attitude that is so prevalent:

"It's never a great start to the day when you wake up with a pounding headache. Fortunately, help is often as close as your medicine cabinet. You can pop a couple of aspirin, close your eyes, and, in all likelihood, that throbbing in your head will be soothed within the hour.

You’re in good company in your choice of remedy. Some 80 billion aspirin tablets are taken worldwide, every year, for all types of headaches including the excruciatingly painful form known as a migraine. That's a lot of pharmacological muscle."

If you think this was written by an advertising executive for a pharmaceutical company you would be incorrect.

Disturbingly, it was actually taken from a reputable internet site offering health advice to the general public.

However there is no doubt that pharmaceutical advertising helps foster the idea that medication can provide solutions to all of your health problems.

This is an excerpt from Stop Headaches Naturally Chapter 6.6 - The promise - the lure of the quick fix

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